Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Community Vision Circle: Multidimensional Activism


     Recently I attended a symposium in Hilo called Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream. It was put on by the Pachamama Alliance, and concerns how we must transform our modern, materialistic society into one that cares for everyone, especially the natural environment.  For more info look at their website.  Symposiums like this are being offered in many places around the world, for free.  I came away with increased inspiration to get clear about what I want to do to contribute to "The Great Turning" of humanity towards awakening global consciousness to the dire crisis we are creating, and to the sacred in all life that must be honored.  (I was also galvanized to complete some minor editing of my manuscript, Inspiration to Love: Breathing Into Embodiment.  Shortly thereafter some unexpected people came into my life out of the blue, and offered me some very positive reflection about the book, along with self publishing ideas, and helped me get a little further down the road.)
     At the symposium I spontaneously created a table ( there were many to choose from to focus on taking positive action).  Doing this, I essentially reflected my own sense of urgency and my passion that we must communicate the situation widely, and we must awaken the hearts of everyone to feel their deepest pain about the destruction and disregard occurring. (My table was called Preparing For the Coming Tidal Wave: How to communicate the situation of global crisis to the masses.  This was a few weeks before the tsunami in Japan.)  
     I realized that day that the key to changing the present pattern is to first recognize and value our heart's longing for a different world.  I want us to feel through all of the pain and fear to the tremendous love we have for each other, for each tree and bird, for the ocean and the sky, for Life.  I want to fire up the creative sparks in each of us to change our own personal activities to match our visions of the world we want to live in and leave for the next generations.  Most of all, I want us to be empowered to express our heartfelt dreams in any way we are uniquely inspired to do.  
     An eclectic group of people were drawn together at this table, and we talked story about these sorts of things.  This inspired me to create a Visioning Circle.  I am envisioning this being an ongoing, monthly meeting, and to grow in numbers and spread in all directions.  I offer guided mediations and together we vision, on the inner plane, the world we want to create. We then commit to actions which will support the dream to manifest on this plane; potentially magical, synchronistic unfoldings that are the manifestations of our love and our deepest dreams for humanity living in harmony with each other, with Earth, with all of lIfe. Our commitments can be simple or challenging, but the point is that we make them.  We will come away with practical, concrete steps we have decided to take, and our collective power will support us all to follow through.  The love we connect with will guide the way and open all of the doors.

     A test pilot Vision Circle met a few weeks ago and this is the world we collectively envisioned:

Humanity is willing to be present with what is, and to face the pain of the destruction and suffering occurring.
People feel empathy towards one another and have a willingness to recognize the feelings and needs of others.  Everyone's needs, including the whole of the natural world, are seen as equal.
When we do this we reframe out relationship to life and open up to new possibilities.
We recognize our connection to all beings: humans, plants, animals, rocks, the whole earth and universe.
We cooperate to create a world which serves the good of all.
We let go of our limitations and release conditioning that is not serving the whole.
We become curious about cultural and environmental diversity and we support this diversity to flourish.
We live in a world without war.  Peace prevails on the planet.
We let go of our addictions, reclaiming our space, our creative power, our natural rhythms.
We reclaim our imaginations and have hope.
We experience stillness, and learn to really observe what is.
We are compassionate.  
We are aware of the sacred dimension of Life and this awareness is interwoven into every aspect of our daily lives.
We experience ourselves in community, with humanity and with all that exists in the diversity of overlapping communities on Earth and beyond.
We are courageous in the face of adversity.
We keep the story open to something new, to the unknown, to change, and we see life as process oriented.
We experience gratitude and joyful celebration together!


When we vision, we do not insist on the form or any specific outcome, but release our heart's prayers and dreams to the grace of God/dess, the Source, the Great Mystery.

     The next Vision Circle is April 7th, at MacKenzie Park, 10 am till 2.  The first 45 minutes is for arrivals and for each of us to connect with nature in our own way, to settle our minds, restore our bodies and tune in deeply to our heart's knowing. Please arrive by 10:45 at the latest.  Bring some food and water.  Rain location is at my house in Nanawale.  Email me if you plan to come and need directions.